The earth has about 57.3 million square miles of inhabitable land mass. This blog is my occupation of 50 x 150 feet of it.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Migraine Day 3: Oh the pain. The pain of it all.
Just woke up to take my next pill and thought since I was up I would make a quick post. I still have a migraine, it's still thunder-stiking the top and right side of my skull with a fury unbeknownst by many. So once again its going to be a real quick post, since staring at a blinding bright white screen doesn't help with the pain.
Sorry for todays post for being so short, let alone the previous days as well. But thanks for stopping by, assuming that there is anybody actually stopping by. Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone.
Alas today is not any better, even though there is a big thunderstorm outside right now. I am going on my second day of having a migraine, and it feels like someone is pulling a giant metal spike through my skull. And the head of the spike, which feels like its about 15 feet in diameter, is stuck and not budging no matter how much you pull on it. So once again, its going to be a small post, enough for me to come in and say 'its going to be a small post.'
And in spirit on what kind of day it is here around the Den, I bring you another 80's classic hit which only the title has to do with todays post title. The video also reflects how I feel visually. Its dank, cold, and miserable. Though the overtone of the song is pleasant and wanting, the imagery shows otherwise. Enjoy.
(For better playback, push play then immediately pause to let the video load completely.)
Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone out there!
Migraines motto: I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
Unfortunately today is going to be an extremely short post due to a seriously pounding migraine. This wasn't what I meant when I hoped something interesting will happen to post about. I've been getting migraines since I was 12 years old. My mother has them, her mother has them, so why not pass this wonderful genetic mishap on down to me, so I can pass it along as well.
For those of you who don't have migraines, here is a video that pretty much sums what its like to have a migraine from my point of view. Around the three minute marker all the imagery from then on are perfect examples of what I feel and feel like when I have a migraine. Everytime I see it I shudder and get depressed.
(For better playback, push play then immediately pause to let the video load completely.)
Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone!
And to think just a few days ago the tree in the front yard was full of colorful leaves and in a matter of a couple days, it has lost all the color and all thats left is the underlying barren skeletal structure of its branches. Today the weather was absolutely wonderful, which allowed me to turn off the furnace for a couple of days now. I swear it felt and smelled like it was spring. How I miss those months. The fresh crispness of the cool air warming under the sun and allowing the warmth to permeate the ground releasing the smell of freshly dug up soil. Man do I love spring. At least I got a slight taste of it today, and I'm looking forward to it tomorrow as well. How can one not be a treehugger with all this nature around. *chuckle*
Well after it being nearly a week since I took my drug test for my new place of employment, I decided to call them and touch bases to see if everything went well, or at least to see if they got the results. Unfortunately the HR person wasn't there so I left a voice mail and about 3pm I got a call-back. The test was fine, and I'll be doing the preliminary paper work this coming Monday and then going through the orientation for the following two weeks. I'm really looking forward to working for this company. They have a very family oriented work-force, which is exactly what I've been looking for. My old place of employment was like that for the first two years of my working there before they broke down that feeling and everyone soon became a number. It was all first name basis at the start and by the end before going under it was all peon8675309 and so on. But all that aside, I can't wait to start!
Going with the nature theme of the blog title for this day. I bring you a little known video from the wonderful year of 1981... Enjoy!
(For better playback, push play then immediately pause to let the video load completely.)
Turns out to be another wee posting day. Sorry things aren't more white-knuckle excitement. But not all days at a den are fraught with danger and excitement. I'd say these are the lazy days of summer excitement, but 1) its fall, and 2) I'd be lying. See you around. Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone!
Greetings to everyone on this fine day. Well the voting got off to a good start around here. Only got four political phone calls today. And surprisingly the road to the school that was open for use of voting didn't have that many people jam packing the road. I wonder if there was a secondary location around here. Last time the traffic was fairly backed up. Quite possibly for that very same reason for this year.
I visited a dandy little survey link from FuzzyCo's site. I thought it would be a hoot to give it a try so I popped in my elocutionary traits and... VoilĂ !
. And the funny thing... I do call carbonated drinks 'pop', but prior to moving up here from Florida, I used to call them 'sodas'. Imagine all the funny looks I got from others about it. If you want to see what kind of American accent you have, you can take the survey here
For some reason whenever there is some sort of political event happening, a particular video comes to play. Seeing that this is such an event, I thought I would pass along my video association. Enjoy!
(For better playback, push play then immediately pause to let the video load completely.)
Hmmmmm... Another short post for the day. Oh well, at least it makes for short reading. Thanks for stopping by. Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone!
Ahhhh, what a wonderful day it was. The highest point of the day was ordering another 90 gallon garbage can for my household. Excitement at its finest, eh? But it needed to be done. It's amazing how much garbage a household of five people can generate. Well it threw me for a loop at least.
And speaking of garbage, I got eight prerecorded calls from various political groups, each slamming the other as hard as they could. And five of them were between 8-11:30 am! Jeez! I swear with all the dirt slinging going on, its hard to know who is telling the truth and who is exaggerating? All I know is, all these prerecorded calls are beyond my nerves. Its driving me crazy. They all begin pretty much the same way "Melissa Bean is yadda-yadda-yadda.." "Judy Baar Topinka blah-blah-blah" "Blagojevich is blah-blah-yadda" and so on and so on. Not only that, now I'm getting "Hi I'm Guiliani, and I believe blah-blah..." as well as other people like Hillary Clinton and so on doing spots.
Well in one week I'll be starting my new job. I'm looking forward to it. It's almost like going on a first date. All butterfly-feely. But it got me thinking of a time when I got a new job when I was a teen and walking to work listening to my walk-man. I couldn't find a station playing something decent to calm my nerves as I walked to my new place of employment. Just as I was about 5 minutes away, a song came on that just did the job. And so I bring it to you. Enjoy!
(For better playback, push play then immediately pause to let the video load completely.)
Short post today, not that its a bad thing, but nothing really happened that struck a cord. So thanks again for stopping by. Feel free to post a comment if you'd like about anything. Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone!
Hello again my friends. Long time no see. Okay actually its been just a wee bit over 24 hours since my last post. How you been? Me? Well I'm doing pretty good I suppose. Though nothing really notable happened today. Well that's not entirely true. My wife's parents went and gone and purchased themselves a new couch (couch set?) and offered to give us their slightly used one that they were going to toss out. And to be honest, it couldn't have come at a better time. Funds are not at its highest at the Den, so any kind of well built furniture, new or used, is a fantastic windfall. The current couch, actually a loveseat which replaced the dying piece of fabric covered lumber predecessor, was also on its last legs. The fabric has pretty much given way to wear-n-tear, as well as the cushions. They had seen better days. I'd take a picture of the piece of garbage, but the wife doesn't want others to see what we have been seating our bottoms on. To be honest, I can't quite blame her. Though the overwhelming desire to expose our terror loveseat to the world is quite temping. I'll have to think about it before it hits the curb for the garbage man to come and drag the cushioned foul beast away. Oh the temptation. Hmmmmm... Not to difficult of a task to tempt me, huh?
Starting something or just coincidence? Turns out that after my evening fire outside yesterday it looks like the call of fire has gotten a hold of others. Today three of my neighbors set flame to their own little bonfires. The plumes of white smoke rose proudly in the air as its pungent burning wood smell permeated the air abound. Ahhh, that is what fall always smelled like to me. The burning of leaves and cords of discarded branches. I love fall. Well for that matter, there is something to love about each season. It's like when you finally get bored with a season, the next one is just around the corner for you start all over again with something new to love. Gotta love seasons and thier timings.
Once again its post title theme time. So let's take a little trip back to summer, but back to 1984. Enjoy!
(For better playback, push play then immediately pause to let the video load completely.)
Oy, well I still have some things to do before heading to bed. Thanks for stopping by and reading (and viewing). Until tomorrow's post of wonder. Peace, take care, and bright blessings to everyone!
The only problem living with an open mind nowadays is that no one wants to step through the doorway and browse for a while. If one only stopped, looked around, and chatted, you'd be surprised how much you get for free.